Inspiring, educating and empowering communities
to understand, love and protect our amazing animals and planet.
Animal World USA brings Benji,
once a MS shelter dog, who later became
a movie star, back home in style
arriving a Memphis RiverKings
hockey game.
Memphis City Officials and MAS Advisory Board Chairperson Michelle Buckalew at MAS 2010 groundbreaking of new Memphis Animal Services facility!
Love, Understand, Protect
We love you Art of Conservation, Africa.
Animal World USA
Educator of the Month Award.
Treadwell Middle School
Memphis, Tennessee
Animal World USA
Youth Leadership Award
Tisdale School
Bridgeport, Connecticut
AWUSA & Best Friends Adoption
Days at Petco
Midtown Memphis, TN
Africa Weeks for the Animals!
Visit our Weeks for the Animals websites on how to help animals and connect with others!
Animal World USA
Humane Education Days
Downtown Elementary School
State of TN Reward School (Top 5% in TN for TCAP Growth)
Memphis, Tennessee
Animal World USA
Youth Leadership Award
Tennessee Week
Girls Scouts of Southern Appalacians
Smoky Mountains
Pearson Springs Park Adoption Fair
TN Week for the Animals
Maryville, TN!
Animal World USA
Poplar Plaza Adoption Days
Memphis, TN
Five Freedoms Recognized by Animal Welfare Orgs
Around the World.
Brandon Wood
from Florida for his joyful creativity saving chimps and building global relationships from Florida to Africa. Make A Chimp Smile was spotlighted during both Florida (Save the Chimps) and Africa Weeks for the Animals letter writing and art campaign.
His military dad was the inspiration!
AWUSA Humane Education Days
Downtown Elementary School
Memphis, Tennessee
Animal World USA 's
'Teddy' Bear Buck
at 2023 Memphis Grizzlies
Poplar Plaza block party!
Animal World USA Adoption Days Petco with Memphis Animal Services and Mid South area welfare & rescue groups.
Animal World USA Valentine's Day Adoption Day w/ Memphis Animal Services
& Mid South area rescues.
Helping Save Lives, Empowering Educators
and Strengthening Communities!
'Mystic' Aura
"Fantasia' Buckalew
'Blue Boy' Buckalew
'Gunny Buck'
Adopt a Shelter Animal. Save a Life. Become A Hero.
Juliette West
from California for her activism advocating for elephants and educating the public about the plight of the animals sharing our planet. She is emerging as an important voice for the animal world and media communications.
Encourage and love one another.
AWUSA Educator of the Month
Humane Education
Cordova Middle School
Memphis, Tennessee
“Running gives freedom. When you run, you can determine your own tempo.
You can choose your own course, think whatever you want.
Nobody tells you what to do.”
~-Nina Kuscik
women’s running pioneer,
1st female champion
Boston Marathon
Leasure Elementary
School Delaware
Week for the Animals
Newark, Delaware
Animal World USA International
Weeks for the Animals
Animal World USA Adoption Days
Research bills, laws, and sponsors.
Contact your legislators to bring/sponsor ordinances and laws for the animals to your community and state.
"You forget that the fruits belong to all and that the land belongs to no one. "
~Jean-Jacques Rousseau
One thing I know,
the only ones among you who will be really happy...
Are those who will have sought and found out how to serve."
~Albert Schweitzer
Emmylou Harris
and Michelle Buckalew,
Keynote Speakers at the
'Spay the Way' Conference
Muti-State 2 day Event Nashville, Tennessee
Animal World USA
Adoption Days Poplar Plaza
MAS and Mid South rescues
Memphis, Tennessee
AWUSA Tennessee Week
Smoky Mountain Pet Fair
Adoption, live music, community. Knoxville, TN
Thank you to our partners who are helping save lives. Please support them!
"Do everything in love."
1 Corinthians 16:14
“People who care about animals tend to care about people. They don’t care about animals to the exclusion of people. Caring is not a finite resource and, even more than that, it’s like a muscle: the more you exercise it, the stronger it gets.”
— Jonathan Foer
Did you know that most animal legislation happens at the state level?
There are also federal animal protection laws. Some cities and counties pass ordinances to protect animals by citizens like you and me.
Seize the Day!
AW USA's 'Teddy' Bear, who is a also therapy dog!
This boy is pure love., the 'Ambassador of Love. '
Program To Your Community!
Michelle Buckalew
founder, president
You can start your own voter engagement drive!
Eglin Air Force K9s
Florida Week
for the Animals visit.
Eglin Elementary School!
AWUSA Humane Education Days
Downtown Elementary School
Memphis, Tennessee
AWUSA Woofstock
Overton Park, Rainbow Lake
Memphis, TN
in your Community! helps you register to vote, find voter deadlines.
Check your registration.
Book donations, therapy dog visits to your school!
Anima-, Anim- +
(Latin: animal life, a living being, living; breath; soul; mind) having a spirit, living, “breath of air, air, soul, life”
Animal World USA
Petco Adoption Days
MAS & Rescue Orgs
Memphis, TN
Animal World USA Outreach
Bartlett Community Day
Bartlett Animal Shelter
Memphis, Tennessee
St John's Episcopal Church
Blessing of the Animals
Tennessee Week
for the Animals
Memphis, TN
AWUSA Adoption Days
w/ MAS, Bartlett Animal Shelter
Monthly Walmart Outdoor Fests
Bartlett, Tennessee
Lucy Duane
from Kentucky started what she calls her "Old Friends Fund to help the horses in Kentucky." It became such an important part of her life, that she is now recognized in the community for her work to help Old Friends Farm.
Lucy's motto is: " It doesn't matter if you have two legs or four, you should be able to live out your life in peace, dignity, and happiness. "
Fort Bragg (Now Fort Liberty) Army K9 Unit visiting Bragg
Elementary School during NC Week for the Animals!
AWUSA Education Days
Downtown Elementary School
Humane Education
Memphis, Tennessee
TN Week for the Animals
Library Special Adoption Day w/ Shelters and Community orgs
Memphis., Tennessee
Animal World USA
Youth Leadership Award
Tisdale School
Bridgeport, Connecticut
TN Week for the Animals
Benjamin Hooks Library
Adoptions & Humane Ed Outreach Memphis, Tennessee
City of Memphis Proclamation
from Director Keenan McCloy
Tennessee Week for the Animals.
at Memphis Zoo with adoptions, welfare groups, city officials, Humane Ed.
Animal World USA Monthly Adoption Days
Wild Oats, Poplar.
Memphis, Tennessee
Animal World USA
Petco Adoption Days
Midtown, Poplar Plaza
Memphis, TN
"If you never take risks, you'll never accomplish great things. Everybody dies, but not everyone has lived."
~C. S. Lewis
"The longest journey is the journey inwards. Of him who has chosen his destiny, Who has started upon his quest for the source of his
~Dag Hammarskjold
"Never let success hide its emptiness from you, achievement its nothingness, toil its desolation. And so...keep alive the incentive to push on further, that pain in the soul which drives us beyond ourselves...
Do not look back. And do not dream about the future, either. It will neither give you back the past, nor satisfy your other daydreams. Your duty, your reward - your destiny - are here and now."
~Dag Hammarskjold
Four dogs are found among the constellations:: Canis Major,
Canis Minor & the 2 hunting dogs, Canes ,Venatici.
'Freedom from fear' could be said to sum up
the whole philosophy of human rights."
~Dag Hammarskjold
TN Week for the Animals
Library Special Adoption Day
TN Week for the Animals
Library Special Adoption Day
March 24, 2025, 2025
Serve, Organize, Educate, Volunteer, Advocate, Collaborate, Unify.
“We must be silent before we can listen.
We must listen before we can learn.
We must learn before we can prepare.
We must prepare before we can serve.
We must serve before we can lead.”
~~William Arthur Ward
motivational speaker, author, faith leader
For a more loving planet.
“A dog has one aim in life... to bestow his heart.”
― J. R. Ackerley
(4 November 1896 – 4 June 1967) British writer and editor
Animal World USA
Petco Adoption Days
MAS & Rescue Orgs
Memphis, TN
Animal World USA
TN Week for the Animals
with MACC
Nashville, TN
Connect, Organize, Educate, Volunteer, Advocate.
Animal World USA International
Blessing of the Animals
Tennessee Week for the Animals
Memphis Zoo
AWUSA Humane Education Days
Downtown Elementary School
Memphis, Tennessee
" A republic if you can keep it."
~Benjamin Franklin
See a list of California animal organizations that need your help now. Click on the bear.
Week for the Animals
Boys & Girls Clubs & Animal World USA
Earth Day Celebration!
Robert H. Jackson
(February 13, 1892 – October 9, 1954)
Chief of Counsel for the United States
Nuremberg, Germany
November 21, 1945
"May it Please Your Honors"
"The privilege of opening the first trial in history for crimes against the peace of the world imposes a grave responsibility. The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating, that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored, because it cannot survive their being repeated. That four great nations, flushed with victory and stung with injury stay the hand of vengeance and voluntarily submit their captive enemies to the judgment of the law is one of the most significant tributes that Power has ever paid to Reason.
This Tribunal, while it is novel and experimental, is not the product of abstract speculations nor is it created to vindicate legalistic theories. This inquest represents the practical effort of four of the most mighty of nations, with the support of 17 more, to utilize international law to meet the greatest menace of our times-aggressive war. The common sense of mankind demands that law shall not stop with the punishment of petty crimes by little people. It must also reach men who possess themselves of great power and make deliberate and concerted use of it to set in motion evils which leave no home in the world untouched.
It is a cause of that magnitude that the United Nations will lay before Your Honors. In the prisoners' dock sit twenty-odd broken men. Reproached by the humiliation of those they have led almost as bitterly as by the desolation of those they have attacked, their personal capacity for evil is forever past. It is hard now to perceive in these men as captives the power by which as Nazi leaders they once dominated much of the world and terrified most of it. Merely as individuals their fate is of little consequence to the world.
What makes this inquest significant is that these prisoners represent sinister influences that will lurk in the world long after their bodies have returned to dust. We will show them to be living symbols of racial hatreds, of terrorism and violence, and of the arrogance and cruelty of power. They are symbols of fierce nationalisms and of militarism, of intrigue and war-making which have embroiled Europe generation after generation, crushing its manhood, destroying its homes, and impoverishing its life. They have so identified themselves with the philosophies they conceived and with the forces they directed that any tenderness to them is a victory and an encouragement to all the evils which are attached to their names. Civilization can afford no compromise with the social forces which would gain renewed strength if we deal ambiguously or indecisively with the men in whom those forces now precariously survive....
Read and listen to entirety of opening argument...
Justice Robert H. Jackson’s opening statement at the Nuremberg Trials remains one of the most famous and influential oratories
in the canon of international law and criminal jurisprudence.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, appointed by President Truman to serve as United States Chief of Counsel to prosecute Nazi war criminals, delivers his opening statement to the four-nation International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg on November 21, 1945.
There are five segments of Jackson’s speech, which is deemed a forensic masterpiece: at the call of IMT President Lord Geoffrey Lawrence, Jackson begins; defense attorneys sit in the background; Jackson speaks, assisted by his secretary Elsie Douglas and his son and executive assistant, attorney William E. Jackson; the camera pans across the defense attorneys and then the 21 defendants; as Jackson continues, the camera pans across UK chief prosecutor Hartley Shawcross and deputy David Maxwell Fyfe and then to the 8 judges on the bench, including U.S. judge Francis Biddle and U.S. alternate judge John J. Parker; Jackson speaks and the defendants listen; Jackson addresses the imperfection but sufficiency of the case that prosecutors will present.
We commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the German Nazi concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz - liberated in 1945 by soldiers of the 60th Army of the First Ukrainian Front.
"The Grave Responsibility of Justice"
Trial of the Nazi leaders was conducted by a panel of four judges. The United States, Soviet Union, France and Great Britain each supplied a main judge and an alternate, and Britain’s Lord Justice Geoffrey Lawrence presided.